Freelance missions/clients
Pint of Science International| Director
Pint of Science is an annual science festival taking place in pubs, bars and cafés in 30 countries across the world!
I'm the International director since September 2017. My missions are very diverse : I select the new countries for the festival to come and then I guide them until the festival on all the aspects of the festival :
Recruiting volunteers/ speakers
Logistic of the organisation
Communication on social network
I also built an international social network communication strategy and deal with international sponsors.
We also very proudly beat Covid19 in 2021, managing to have the festival in 25 countries, mostly online.
To see more or discuss possible work let's talk >>
Past freelance missions
CRI/LPI | Science communication trainer for PhD students & postdocs (2022)
I created training for PhD students to learn how to communicate their research to different audiences.
AXA research fund| Science communication videos & Share you AXA research online project (2022 & 2020)
in 2020, I created some videos about the use of social media for science communication and some tips to communicate science and use on Twitter and Linkedin for AXA Research Fund.
In 2022, I trained the AXA research fund scientists for a 3 minutes pitch and organised the event online.
More details here
L'Esprit Sorcier | Live show host (2021)
I hosted part of the live shows for the science week (fête de la Science #FDS2021) on the Esprit Sorcier youtube channel. I'm also taking part in the preparation of the 10 live shows. Watch them here.
Hindawi | Project manager #ScicommGuide (2019 - 2021)
We're creating a science communication guide with Hindawi, that is available in open access. This guide is aimed at scientists wanted to do some science communication and to science communicators that are looking for ideas and inspiration.
Cerveau & Psycho / Pour la Science | Online events control room (2021)
After a succesful Pint of Science festival online I helped Cerveau & Psycho and Pour la Science with the technical parts of online events.
Fête de la Science | Videos (2020)
Fête de la Science is the French science week, coordinated by the Ministry of Research. I worked for the 2020 edition, to made videos featuring the online programme.
OP1C| Social media consultant
OP1C is a social media agency, I worked for them as a consultant (jun 2019-Sept 2019) on the ArianeGroup account: My mission was to help design the monthly strategy and help with the creation of some posts.
Volunteer projects
Pint of Science France| Founder and Director
I founded Pint of Science France in 2014 and I've been directing it ever since.
The first edition was held in 3 cities and attracted almost 1000 attendees, this May 2019 Pint of Science was in 53 cities, reaching a total of 14 000 attendees.
My missions are very diverse and changed over the years and the size of the festival.
I oversee national organisation, communication, sponsorship and promotion of the festival.
On the Moon Again | Coordination committee
I'm part of the organisation committee for On the Moon Again. The event On the Moon Again invited telescopes owners to go in the streets with it and offer passers-by to observe the Moon. For its first edition in July 2019, more than 1400 events in 70 countries took place. So many people observing the Moon around the globe the same night ! In 2021, on top of the in-person event we organised a 24h live show on Youtube about the Moon: The Lunar Marathon.